How do I make facebook id name change by 3 steps

Are you looking for the way to make facebook id name change? Here is a basic guide for you. Let's read!

Facebook id has the format which allows you to log in to Facebook in addition to methods such as email or phone number. You can make facebook id name change anytime, just a few basic steps. FinUid will show you how to change Facebook ID name on mobile phone and computer. Please read this article to know!

How to make facebook id name change by computer

  • Step 1: At the interface on Facebook computer, click on the profile icon then select Settings & privacy and then select Settings.

Select Settings & privacy

  • Step 2: Click Profiles > Click Name.

Click Profiles > Click Name

  • Step 3: Change your name. Then, at the bottom of the window, click Review Changes to finish the on-screen procedure.

 Click Review Changes to finish

How do i make facebook id name change by iPhone

  • Step 1: Users may access the account setup interface by clicking on their personal avatar in the Messenger Android application. Then, scroll down and choose Username icon. 

Choose Username icon

  • Step 2: Tap Settings & Privacy > Tap Settings > Tap Personal Details 

Tap Settings & Privacy > Tap Settings > Tap Personal Details 

  • Step 3: Tap your Facebook Profile > Select Name option > Update name you want > Select Review change at the bottom of the page is done.

Tap Your Facebook Profile  > Select Review change to be done

Notes on changing Facebook ID name

  • Use a different name than any other Facebook account. When we submit a name, we will be notified whether the name is available or not.

  • Usernames are limited to alphanumeric characters and periods, with no popular words extensions.

  • The username must include at least 5 characters.

  • Do not use dots or capital letters to distinguish user names since Facebook considers them to be the same name.

  • When naming a Fanpage, the individual who does, must be an administrator of the Page.

Some Notes on changing Facebook ID name

Finally, you shouldn’t make facebook id name change frequently, it will have a bad effect on your Facebook account. Especially with who has a large following. However, if this is not matter, you can use these instruction FinUid provided above to change your Facebook ID name. Thank you for reading this article!