What his instagram says about him?

A quick glance at someone's social media profiles can reveal much more about their personality than several dates might. FindUid will guide you what his instagram says about him.

Fortunately or unfortunately, a quick glance at someone's social media profiles can reveal much more about their personality than several dates might. If you're just starting to date or are on the verge of a new relationship, take note of what his Instagram account reveals about him. You can learn a lot about a potential love interest based on who he follows on Instagram.  In this article FindUid will guide you what his instagram says about him. Follow along for details!

What his instagram says about him?

Following your ex on Instagram often foreshadows potential relationship issues on the platform

Warning signs, warning signs! If he continues to follow his ex and consistently reacts with heart emojis on all her posts, it's likely he hasn't moved on. This persistent engagement on social media is a desperate bid for her attention.

This Instagram behavior could potentially strain your relationship. Moreover, if he's still hung up on his ex, he won't be fully committed to a new relationship. If you're already dating, it's important to discuss this with him. If not, it may be wise to take this as a hint and steer clear of someone who isn't emotionally available for a new connection.

Following your ex on Instagram

Following your boss on Instagram is a sign of sycophancy.

No one truly considers their boss a friend. While it's possible to have a positive rapport or professional relationship with one's boss, it's far from being a genuine friendship. If he follows his boss on Instagram, it's likely that everything on his profile is carefully curated and cannot be taken at face value.

Every post is likely tailored to impress his employer, using his social media as a tool to advance his career. Ambition and drive are commendable qualities, but relying on artificial projections rather than genuine skill can be concerning.

If he follows attractive models, it's understandable to feel concerned.

Should I be concerned if my boyfriend follows models on Instagram? If you're asking yourself this question, it's likely you're already uncomfortable with his social media filled with attractive models posing in swimsuits and lingerie. While men may not see it as a big deal, many women would be troubled by this.

For women, seeing their partner showing interest in other women's physical appearance can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. As you scrutinize his 'Following' list, pay attention to any profiles of models, especially if this is something that might bother you down the road.

Follows attractive models

A high number of women in the 'following' list is a clear red flag

Have you ever wondered if you should be upset if your boyfriend likes another girl's picture on Instagram? Or have you heard your girlfriends ponder the same question? Feeling a twinge of jealousy when your boyfriend or love interest interacts with other women on social media is natural. However, it's important not to let it escalate into anger or a confrontation.

Just as you have male friends, it's normal for him to have female friends as well. However, if your boyfriend follows numerous random girls on Instagram, or if the number of women he follows significantly outweighs the men, then it's certainly a cause for concern. This is a red flag that shouldn't be ignored. Addressing this issue early on is crucial rather than regretting its impact on your relationship later.

Some free instagram support tools you may find useful

Following bodybuilders indicates an unhealthy obsession

Dedicating oneself to fitness is commendable in anyone. It reflects discipline, self-control, and a serious commitment to personal well-being. However, there's often a fine line between genuine fitness goals and an obsession with achieving six-pack abs and pronounced muscles.

Similar to how the glamour industry has pressured women to pursue size zero figures, it has also influenced men to focus intensely on achieving rugged, muscular physiques.

If the guy you're dating or interested in follows an excessive number of bodybuilding pages and accounts on Instagram, it suggests he may have an unhealthy fixation on an unrealistic goal. It's likely that a significant amount of his time and focus is devoted to the gym.

There's also a concern that he might be taking extreme measures such as using pills, injections, or steroids. You certainly don't want to be caught up in that kind of situation.

Following bodybuilders indicates

If he follows cult pages, run away as fast as you can

If your romantic interest follows cults on Instagram, it's a significant warning sign that you should keep your distance. Whether they are political, religious, supremacist, or racist, any form of indoctrination can be extremely challenging to deal with in the long term, especially if your beliefs do not align.

Our social media profiles often reveal more about us than everyday conversations do. Pay close attention to what his Instagram account reveals about his beliefs and values to help you decide whether a relationship could work out or not. Protect yourself from potential dating pitfalls.

He struggles to reach that 11 like mark on any of his photos

Not to harp on appearances, but nearly everyone uses Instagram. Even guys with unimpressive photos and lacking artistic flair somehow manage to attract Instalove. If no one is checking out his Insta (and he's not too old for it), chances are people aren't interested in his life

. Humans are naturally curious—translate that to 2014 lingo—and basically, we follow a lot of people on Instagram to peek into their lives, even if we're not close friends. Unless he's one of those rare people who never uses Insta, there should be some activity on his profile.

And if the only ones liking your photos are girls, why don't you have any guy friends? You might be seen as overly active on Tinder.

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